I woke up early this morning and felt rested so I got up. It was around 6:00am. While getting a fire started I looked out the front window and seen a beautiful full moon.
Had to go out and take this picture.
I was working on laundry when I heard some noise. Brendan came down and said good morning and let the kittens out. These kittens are just full of energy!
Yesterday was basketball. Brendan played real well. He had several shots, just missing getting his first points of the year. He is doing so much better than last year.
Michelle's parents made it to the game then we all went to Applebee's after. After eating Michelle went and did some shopping. I took Brendan to Dairy Queen for dessert. We got home and I did some cleaning and got laundry started. I helped Michelle unload when she got home. She picked up her new elliptical machine. She also picked up stuff for Brendan's science project.
After getting everything together we went outside to do Brendan's science project. He was putting mentos in different types of beverages to test the reactions. It was fun!
After this excitement I headed for the basement to prepare for the bike Expo And Swap Meet on Sunday (today). I put together a spread sheet so I know what I have and put prices on it for easy reference and pricing when I get tot he Swap Meet. I accumulated a lot of stuff over the last year while doing upgrades to bikes. The Swap Meet is again being held at the Fenton Brewery. I am meeting Raymond in Birch Run and then we are riding together. I am also taking some soap to see if I can sell any of that.
Time to make some breakfast and get ready to go. Enjoy what is to be a very sunny Sunday!
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