Sunday would be a long day of travel as we would make the trek home in one day. Still shorter than driving from Marquette.
We had breakfast and started to pack up. I had put the bikes on the van Saturday evening while the grill was heating up and loaded a few things up. We managed to get on the around just a few minutes after 12:00pm.
Michelle would take the first leg of the drive at the wheel of the van and I would rest. We made a stop at a rest area in Manistique and I took a few photos.
A lighthouse for Michelle.
A mouse in a tuxedo!
We got back on the road and stopped at another rest area.
Very cool!
Brendan made a friend.
The were not to bad.
Our next stop would be St. Ignace. We wanted to eat at Clyde's Drive In. However, after arriving the place was packed. So we went to B.C. Pizza again. After lunch we made our way to Castle Rock as we were not able to climb it on our way up.
Paul Bunyan, Babe and Brendan.
Our destination.
It was back on the road and we crossed the Mighty Mac. I stopped outside of Grayling for gas and we would not stop again till Midland.
We picked up a few things at Meijer in Midland for my mom. We stopped in Auburn and dropped off her supplies and some souvenirs to mom. We stayed for about a half hour and were on the way for home. We arrived home after 9:00pm. Michelle made some more space at the front of the garage so I pulled in as far as I could and we managed to close the garage door with the bikes still on the rack.
We hauled in only what was necessary and got ready for bed. Michelle had to work on Monday.
We had a great vacation and it was good to be home. The cats welcomed us at the door. They were happy to see us and us them.
We will not have the time next year for a long vacation as Jay Jay and Kayla will be getting married the week after Ore 2 Shore. Have to see how things go, but maybe we can do a four to five day trip to Marquette? Time will tell.
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