Saturday, February 2, 2013 was the Lake Orion High School Winter Race. This race was first held 10 years ago in 2003. I did that race and it was below zero wind chills. It was during my first year of racing. I got up Saturday morning and it was cool in the house as usual. I started a fire and checked the computer and checked the weather. It was snowing. I had some breakfast and finished getting my stuff together. I was on the road with plenty of time to make it to the race. I arrived close to an hour before race time and got dressed and hooked up with my friend Don Miller.
Don Miller ready to race.
I am ready too!
So we rolled up to the course and seen Steve Kinley who runs the races at LOHS. He told us we had time to pre ride the course so we did. This gave us an idea of how long a lap would take us and the course was in great shape. I set a goal of 20 minutes or less per lap. We got done and shortly after the called us to the start line. There were 17 racers total. We started and it didn't take me long to figure out that I would not be able to hang with Don. We had three laps to do so I wanted to finish in an hour or less. I finished in 55 minutes meeting my goal. The course was really fun and riding while the snow was coming down the whole time was fun. Come to find out Don and I were the only two riders in the Sport Men 45+ category so we both walked away with a medal and a new water bottle and cage courtesy of Main Street Bicycles in Lake Orion.
Thanks to Steve Kinley who puts a lot of time into the trail system at the high school and to Lake Orion High School for allowing the development of this trail system and opening it to the public. Also to the sponsors: Main Street Bicycles, G's and Moose Mitts for donating prizes.
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