I had decided to not do the Rust Shaker as I was coming down with a cold or at least thought so. The following Thursday (a week after the symptoms first appeared) I felt that I was loosing my voice. Things were not getting better and my wife thought something was not right just by looking at me. I also felt that something was not right. I called my Dr. and got in that morning. The Dr. checked me over and I was diagnosed with Pneumonia. He put me on antibiotics and also prescribed some cough medicine. I am feeling better, however this is a huge setback in my fitness. I will stay off the bike till after Mother's Day. This means I will not be doing the Island Lake XC race this month. Will need to build some fitness back up again. Should not take long. I will be looking at events in June to get me back on track for Ore to Shore. Given the events of this year I will be doing the Shore Rock again. This will ...
The adventures of the Bauer Family in everyday life, vacationing, cycling and anything else we find interesting.