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Showing posts from April, 2016

April is Here!

Wish I could say that spring is here!  The weather has been crazy as it can be this time of year.  We have been getting a lot of precipitation.  It is coming in all forms also.  It is very wet here with a very high water table.  We are trying to get the house ready for JJ's graduation and have not been able to work outside.  Hoping this will change this weekend.  Here is a picture from Sunday, April 10, 2016. It snowed for really hard for a couple of hours. We had some Wild Turkeys visit us a couple times in the first week of April. On The Bike Front: I finally got the expander cog I had ordered back at the start of February.  The one I ordered became unavailable which delayed the order.  They then replaced it with a higher end model.  It also came with a 16 tooth cog. 42 tooth expander cog. You can see the 16 tooth cog in this picture. These crank arm protectors also came in the package?  They went on...